Spring Equinox

A little mindless biro drawing with added shadows
Other versions of the sketch

I tried to draw a larger version of my little doodle, it looked too stagnant. Instead, I enlarged the biro drawing by 283%. Much better.

Drawing transferred onto lino

I didn’t plan to make this print, the doodle happened over breakfast. The sun’s face will have a beard made of flames, sparks, leaves, feathers, petals and whatever else comes up.


Red lettering on yellow card

I finished cutting a lino block for future birthday cards. At some point I felt the fine v tool go into the end of my finger. No blood, no pain until the following day. A week later a little v shaped scar has appeared!

After printing a few test copies I went out to deal with some weeds in the garden. It seemed a good idea to clean the green juice off the shears when I’d finished. I sliced a bit of thumb while scrubbing the blades, which caused lots of blood to leak everywhere – same shade as the ink used earlier. Maybe a risk assessment before attempting any further actions…